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Shakhnevich Law Group

Case Results!


compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $1,200,000.00 settlement.
A mother carrying an infant was struck by a car while lawfully crossing the street in Newark. Her baby sustained a head injury. Thankfully, the baby fully recovered. She is now a beautiful healthy 7 year old.
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $825,000.00 settlement in a pedestrian knockdown accident.
A pedestrian was injured on Staten Island after being struck by a pick-up truck.
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $290,000.00 & $230,000.00 settlement in trip and fall accidents.
Both clients were injured on a cracked sidewalk in Brooklyn. Frequently, sidewalk cracks develop over time due to abandoned tree roots.
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $500,000.00 settlement in pedestrian knockdown.
A 72 year old woman hit by a car in Brooklyn, NY was first offered $90,000.00, but Shakhnevich Law Group was able to achieve a pre-trial settlement of $500,000.00.
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $275,000.00 settlement.
A bus stopped at a dangerous location and a passenger fell as they were attempting to exit a bus. Shakhnevich Law Group was contacted and the client received an initial offer of $100,000.00 and Shakhnevich Law Group was able to get this client a Pre-Trial Settlement of $275,000.00.
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $400,000.00 settlement.
Our client's car was hit by a trctor trailer in the Bronx. Shakhnevich Law Group was able to achieve a pre-trial settlement of $400,000.00
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $375,000.00 settlement.
An elderly woman took a devastating fall on a dangerous stairway inside her building. Shakhnevich Law Group was able to achieve a settlement of $375,000.00
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $325,000.00 settlement.
A motorcyclist riding along Ocean Avenue in Brooklyn was injured when a car suddenly made a U-turn in front of him causing an accident.
compensation for slip and fall


Attorneys Steven Shakhnevich & Martha Tabachinkova obtain a $530,000.00 settlement.
Our client spent years in this country taking care of the elderly and disabled. One day, she hurt her back due to an unexpected fall and was no longer able to return to work.

After a brutal 4-year battle in 2 separate courts, we secured compensation. In addition, our firm obtained substantial medical payments under the worker's compensation law permitting our client to receive a much-needed back surgery successfully performed by a renowned surgeon.
compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group Pedestrian Knockdown settlement of $500,000.00
A 72 year old woman hit by a car in Brooklyn, NY was first offered $90,000.00, but Shakhnevich Law Group was able to achieve a pre-trial settlement of $500,000.00 for the client.
compensation for slip and fall


Pedestrian Knockdown with Injury with Surgery
Date of Accident: Summer 2013 | First Offer, 2015 $90,000.00 | Settlement Before Trial, 2017: $450,000.00


compensation for slip and fall


Snow & Ice Injury
Brooklyn Client rewarded $325,000.00 for a Slip & Fall accident on a sidewalk.


compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group obtains a $300,000.00 settlement
Shakhnevich Law Group represented the injured driver and obtained the full insurance policy limits of 300,000.00.


compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group achieves Pre-trial Settlement of $275,000.00
A bus stops at a dangerous location and a passenger fell as they were attempting to exit a bus. Shakhnevich Law Group was contacted and the client received an initial offer of $100,000.00 and Shakhnevich Law Group was able to get this client a Pre-Trial Settlement of $275,000.00.


compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group achieves multiple settlements for NJ Motorcycle Injuries
Shakhnevich Law Group achieves multiple settlements for NJ Motorcycle Injuries $265,000.00 in Union County (2015) and $100,000.00 in Bergen County (2018)


compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group achieves a 250,000.00 settlement for Uber Driver
Uber Driver suffered a shoulder injury as a result of an accident. Shakhnevich Law Group was able to step in and assist this Uber Driver and ended up with a settlement of $250,000.00.


compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group Levan Kantaria Recovers $225,000.00
This post is dedicated to one of our attorneys, Levan Kantaria. Since joining Shakhnevich Law Group last year, Levan has been an indispensable part of our team.

He loves the legal profession and approaches each case with the utmost professionalism. The quality of Levan’s work has proven financially rewarding for many of our clients. A native of Tbilisi, Georgia, Levan is fluent in both Georgian and Russian languages.


compensation for slip and fall


Shakhnevich Law Group helps Construction Worker Injury
Shakhnevich Law Group helps Construction Worker who was injured and helps Union Carpenter receive a $130,000.00 settlement.


compensation for slip and fall


55-year old home attendant injured in elevator malfunction
A 55-year old home attendant was injured as a result of an elevator malfunction inside a Brooklyn apartment building. She was awarded a $110,000.00 settlement plus $56,000 in Workers Compensation Benefits.


compensation for slip and fall


59-Year Old Brooklyn Slipped & Fell on Brooklyn Sidewalk
A 59-year old Brooklyn woman fell due to a cracked sidewalk in Sheepshead Bay and was awarded a $35,000.00 settlement.

Suffering from a physical or accidental injury?

We look forward to listening to your story, talking with you about your legal options and helping you move forward.